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Learning & Creating

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World music all genres

Blues had a baby, his name is rock & roll; disco had a baby, her name is rave; together they travel the Earth and beyond to rediscover Classical and World Music for the new spaceage...

... where will the children of this new world of music take us as we try to progress into the new spaceage future of harmony, melody and rhythm? Test 1-2-3 - Test 3-2-1

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{Music Johnny}

Johnny Music Prologue

Our goal is to be a most-comprehensive music sales & service center, located here in Monterey Park, CA - the heart of greater-eastern Los Angeles-San Gabriel Valley (SGV); our motto: 'Working for You' & 'Do-It-Right' service, are simple philosophies from our direct-predecessor, Johnny Thompson Music (1959-2021) to be attained, and is fundamental to our development as the comprehensive music sales and service center we will constantly strive to be.

As we reconstitute and rebuild a music sales and service center from ground-up here in 2022 with this basic philosophy rebooted, we also want to reinvigorate the emphasis to reach farther-out with the universal language of music, to be more in-touch with serving the needs of the local music community, bands, educators and independent artists; to help engender the beauty and power of music as it communicates to advance a healthy flourishing and camaraderie of humanity.

We believe this is also foundational to the advancement of the health of our one planet Earth and its world community, and we'll take-on each new day in this new age in setting an exemplary music sales & service antecedence for future precedence.

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